Oct 1, 2021
30 9 21
My dinghy 🖤 I'm into creating circle food lately Super curious about this book of a modest and very talented writer

Sep 28, 2021
28 9 21
A few years ago I occasionally posted short texts on a blog called textvisual.nl. It is no longer active so I will be removing it from...

May 18, 2021
18 5 21
Toen ik vandaag mijn studio aan het opruimen was, vond ik dit korte verhaal dat ik jaren geleden schreef. Misschien was het in 2015, maar...

Apr 19, 2021
19 4 21
Tomorrow evening I'll be opening my virtual museum: Bink café https://www.marievanvollenhoven.nl/binkcafe Meet BONK and read his story

Feb 15, 2021
15 2 21
🎙📻 Uit de oude doos.. (For the Dutchies) 'Gesprek met een meeuw' Ik schreef dit verhaal in 2010 Het verscheen in Mosaïek (2011),...

Nov 14, 2020
14 11 20
I was considering reading a book yesterday evening, but the book I had in mind hasn't been written. Title: KOP IN HET ZAND synopsis: It's...